Preparing for moving day: a guide to a stress-free relocation

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Have you finally found your dream home and are you ready to move? Any idea how to organize yourself better to reduce the stress of this activity? Although it is an action that most people look forward to, fatigue and stress do not let you truly experience moving into a new home.

It is clear, moving is not an easy job, it requires time, patience, and a lot of calm. To avoid any subsequent inconveniences, the organization and packing must be done carefully, and systematically.

We thought we’d give you some useful tips today to make moving to a new home easier and less stressful.

Regardless of the area you are moving to, whether it is a house in the same neighborhood, or from a distant neighborhood to another end of the country, in the end, things have to be arranged in boxes, labeled, and carried.

Moving long distances indeed requires higher insurance for some fragile, electronic, household appliances, which may suffer damage during transport.

What are the most important steps to take for a less stressful move

Whether it’s organizing your belongings, managing your time, or working with professionals, we’ll explore different aspects that will help you make a smooth and stress-free transition to your new home.

How to prepare before moving

Before you start packing, estimate how many boxes you need. You can also use older boxes; you can also borrow from friends. Also, pay attention to the size of the boxes. In addition to that, thicker boxes can be used for packing heavy things, and large and thin ones can be used for packing bulky but light items.

To make sure that your items are packed safely, it is good to make your work easier by purchasing some useful accessories, such as rolls of adhesive tape of various sizes, cutters, scissors, various boxes, and markers.

Create a moving checklist

One of the best ways to make sure everything goes smoothly during your move is to create a detailed checklist.

This list should include all the tasks and things you need to do before, during, and after the move.

That way, you’ll have an overview of all the necessary actions and be able to track them as you complete them.

Remove additional items and change the address

Once you have all the supplies you need, it’s time to start packing. Start by decluttering your home and getting rid of any items that you no longer need. This will not only make packing easier, but it will also reduce the number of things you have to move.

When packing, it’s important to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs in, to make unpacking a breeze.

Another important aspect of preparing for moving day is to make sure that your utilities and services are transferred to your new home. This includes electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone. You should contact your service providers at least a few weeks in advance to ensure that there are no interruptions in service.

Last, but not least – because many of those moving are doing it at their retirement times – see our special guide on CPP address change.

Label and organize boxes appropriately

Another effective way to reduce stress during moving is to label and organize boxes properly. Before you pack your things, make sure you group them according to their destination and label them accordingly. For example, you can label the boxes with “kitchen”, “master bedroom” or “bathroom”.

This will facilitate the unpacking process and help you find the essentials as soon as you arrive in your new home.

How to deal with stress during moving

Sleep well before the move

Before you start preparing for the move, it is advisable to sleep well the night before. Good sleep will recharge your batteries and help you focus better on the really important things the next day. But also, a good night’s sleep does wonders for stress reduction.

You can “help” sleep with music you enjoy, a good soothing movie, and a light, frugal meal a few hours before bed.

Take a break and relax

During the moving process, it’s important not to let stress overwhelm you. Take time to take regular breaks and relax. You can take a walk in nature, read a book or engage in an activity you like. Relaxation will help you regain your energy and maintain mental clarity during the move.

Ask friends and family for help

Moving to a new home can be a difficult task to manage on your own. Don’t hesitate to ask your friends and family for help. You can request support for packing and transporting items or you can ask for help with other specific tasks. People close to you will generally be happy to help you in an important moment like moving to a new house.

Simple and useful packing tips

Because we often don’t have unlimited time available to move, it’s good to take into account some essential aspects so that the move is quick and with as little stress as possible.

Simple and useful packing tips

How to pack electronics and large appliances

Appliances are large objects that can give you headaches. Not only are they heavy, but they have to be unplugged the day before, some even have to be uninstalled.

Keep in mind that moving companies will ask you to prepare bulky appliances in advance. There is also the possibility that they will help you, but of course, for a fee.

Preparing bulky appliances for moving is not exactly a simple task. You have to pay attention to the requirements of each and how you need to protect them.

It is good to put them in boxes of the right size, together with the corresponding extension cords, so they will be easier to install in the new house.

For sensitive devices with screens use bubble wrap, and sponges, pack them well, and tape them.

How do you pack dishes, mirrors, frames, and pictures?

From the start, it is good to know that it is not a good idea to apply adhesive tape directly to dishes, especially to photo frames or mirrors. Why? Because it is possible that there will be traces of adhesive tape on them when unpacking and it will be difficult to clean.

Dishes can break easily, so we need to wrap them carefully in paper and bubble wrap and then put them in sturdy boxes.

Prepare a box of essentials

Because often the unpacking is done the day after the move, it is good to have some things of strict necessity on hand. In the evening spent in the new house, you might want to wash, make yourself a tea, and have a meal.

So, you will need general cosmetics, chargers, a minimum of kitchen utensils, toothpaste, and sleepwear.

What should you do before leaving home?

An operation that must be done near the move is to stop the supply of utilities. You don’t want to pay extra for services you no longer use.

It is best to arrange for the utility to be turned off immediately after the move, not before or during.

Here we consider the supply of electricity, water, gas, cable TV, and internet.

Of course, I hope you’ve already thought about connecting them in the new house you’re moving into. This trick should be done a few days in advance so that the new home is functional the day you arrive.

Another important thing to consider before moving is to check the packed boxes. It is good to make sure that they all have labels, and that the fragile ones are labeled properly.

How to work with professionals during your move

Hire a professional moving company

If the financial resources allow you, you can consider hiring a professional moving company. These companies are experienced in handling all aspects of moving, from packing fragile items to transporting them safely to your new home. Hiring professionals can significantly reduce stress levels and ensure a smoother and more efficient moving process.

Hire a professional moving company

Communicate clearly with the moving team

If you’re working with a professional moving team, make sure you communicate clearly and openly with them. It sets expectations and provides the necessary information about your valuables, specific instructions, and requirements. Good communication will ensure effective collaboration and reduce the risk of errors or misunderstandings.

In conclusion

Moving is a complex, delicate process that involves a lot of time and energy resources, but also stress resistance.

In addition to the actual move, the idea of changing residence is stressful in itself.

Going through the steps, in a certain order, and organization can make things go more smoothly with less stress.

Make a plan before you move and stick to it!

It is good to plan the move in advance, step by step. You start weeks, or even months before, so as not to arrive exhausted on the last hundred meters. In addition to that, such an organization costs you even less.

Choose a professional company, making sure that many customers have been satisfied with them before you.

Before deciding on one company or another, see what services they offer and choose a package that meets your needs, nothing more or less.

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